NYCHA Selects Design-Build Teams for $740M Comprehensive Modernization of Two Developments in Harlem and Staten Island

Resident engagement meeting

On October 24, NYCHA announced the selection of Saint Nicholas Revitalization Partners and Community Modernization Group to undertake $740 million of work for Comprehensive Modernization of Saint Nicholas Houses in Harlem and Todt Hill Houses on Staten Island to the benefit of over 4,300 residents. Following NYCHA Board approval on October 24, 2023, the selection of the design-build teams and project scope for each development — which together include 2,028 apartments — marks a major milestone in delivering the large-scale holistic repairs outlined in the City Capital Action Plan that was approved by the Federal Monitor in May 2021. At its core, a Comprehensive Modernization approach forgoes component-based repairs and instead considers the needs of an entire campus — consistent with other large-scale renovation programs in the NYCHA portfolio. Residents of the two developments have been involved in robust engagement efforts since late 2021 and will provide valuable input to the selected design-build team that will inform the finalization of the design process, including finishes, colors, and other design elements. Board approval enables NYCHA to move to formally execute contracts with both design-build teams in the coming weeks.

“This planned revitalization will improve housing for thousands of residents at Saint Nicholas and Todt Hill Houses,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing, Economic Development, and Workforce Maria Torres-Springer. “We look forward to the broad array of improvements these investments will bring to these communities in Harlem and Staten Island, as part of this administration’s ongoing commitment to high-quality housing for NYCHA residents.”

“We are elated to be bringing substantial, holistic renovations to Saint Nicholas and Todt Hill Houses through Comprehensive Modernization,” said NYCHA Chief Executive Officer Lisa Bova-Hiatt. “With this resident-informed, best value approach, we are adding another dynamic method of effecting critical repairs and quality of life improvements for residents to our tool kit.”

“Comprehensive Modernization through design-build is a critical approach for NYCHA to effectively undertake integrated capital investments at properties that have struggled through decades of disinvestment,” said NYCHA Chief Asset & Capital Management Officer Shaan Mavani. “It considers the needs of an entire development — from apartment interiors to the buildings they comprise, to the surrounding grounds — and thoughtfully addresses them based on input from residents while prioritizing quality, efficiency, and value for money.”

“Since day one, our mission has been about transparency and a resident-centered approach,” said NYCHA Vice President of Comprehensive Modernization Michele Moore. “Through extensive outreach, proactive engagement, and invaluable feedback sessions, we’ve gained a thorough understanding of the needs, visions, and concerns of the Saint Nicholas and Todt Hill residents. This insight has been critical in guiding our vendor selection. The decision to collaborate with Saint Nicholas Revitalization Partners and Community Modernization Group exemplifies our commitment to excellence. It ensures the project meets the highest standards while remaining deeply attuned to the insights and aspirations of the thousands who call Saint Nicholas and Todt Hill home.”

The selection of the two design-build teams follows the issuance of a Request for Proposal (RFP) in November 2022, which targeted a short list of firms with an invitation to submit campus redesign concepts, including conceptual design documents, design and construction plans, as well as plans for resident communications and engagement, as part of a holistic proposal to renovate the property. Respondents were also asked to submit strategies for soliciting and incorporating resident input into the design as part of their proposals.

Comprehensive Modernization is a method of effectively utilizing available capital funding to holistically rehabilitate a NYCHA property, improve building performance, and enhance residents’ quality of life through improved living conditions. The approval of the City Capital Action Plan in 2021 unlocked $2.2 billion in funding support for addressing key pillar areas of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) agreement, primarily around lead-based paint and mold abatement but also around renovation of other building systems. With this infusion of capital support from the City and additional funding from the federal government, NYCHA was able to mobilize a total of $740 million for Comprehensive Modernization at Saint Nicholas and Todt Hill, empowering the Authority to adopt a more ambitious approach to renovation focusing on:

Comprehensive Modernization entails undertaking major renovations through a single, integrated project, allowing developments to be renovated more quickly, at a better quality, and with better value for money spent. NYCHA is utilizing design-build project delivery, which improves coordination, shortens the procurement process, and ultimately saves money by awarding contracts to single entities for both design and construction work.

Beginning in late 2021, Comprehensive Modernization has been guided by a robust engagement process to identify resident priorities and implement input at the two developments, ensure the compliance-based requirements of the funding, and support continued communication during renovation. NYCHA organized virtual and in-person community visioning workshops with residents of Saint Nicholas and Todt Hill Houses to outline their renovation priorities. This feedback directly informed the RFP issued to the shortlist of design and construction firms, which ultimately led to the selection of Saint Nicholas Revitalization Partners and Community Modernization Group.

Saint Nicholas Revitalization Partners has been selected to perform renovations to Saint Nicholas Houses in Harlem, benefitting 3,340 residents living in 1,526 apartments across 13 buildings.

Community Modernization Group has been selected to carry out renovations to Todt Hill Houses on Staten Island, benefitting 1,002 residents living in 502 apartments across seven buildings.

The projected scope of improvements for both sites include kitchen and bathroom renovations; improved ventilation; hazardous material abatement, including the removal of all lead-based paint; full plumbing replacement; electrical upgrades; elevator replacements; full flooring replacement; window replacement; façade repairs; and pest and waste management upgrades. Todt Hill will also get needed in-unit radiator repairs, while Saint Nicholas will receive a comprehensive heat and hot water system replacement. As part of Comprehensive Modernization, NYCHA will oversee construction and all residents will remain in the Section 9 public housing program. The design and construction process for these properties is expected to take three to four years.

Photo caption: Comp Mod resident engagement meeting at Saint Nicholas Houses.