Charlie Mike, often abbreviated as “CM,” is a military phonetic alphabet shorthand for “continue mission.” It is used to communicate the need to press on or keep moving forward despite any obstacles or setbacks.
Some other common military lingo abbreviations include POV (privately owned vehicle), PDQ (pretty darn quick), and FUBAR (fouled up beyond all recognition).
Yes, Charlie Mike is a universally understood term across all branches of the military.
Charlie Mike might be used in the face of unexpected challenges, when troops need to stay focused and keep pushing forward to achieve their objective.
While Charlie Mike is commonly associated with combat and military operations, it can also be used in training exercises and everyday military tasks.
The term Charlie Mike originates from the phonetic alphabet used in military communication, where “Charlie” represents the letter “C” and “Mike” represents the letter “M.”
In verbal communications, Charlie Mike is usually conveyed by saying “CM,” utilizing the phonetic alphabet for clarity.
While Charlie Mike may not be found in official military manuals, it is widely recognized and used throughout the military.
While Charlie Mike is primarily a military term, it has also been adopted into civilian and athletic contexts to communicate the need to keep moving forward.
In some contexts, Charlie Mike can also stand for “continued maintenance,” especially in aviation and maintenance-related fields.
The use of Charlie Mike in military lingo dates back several decades and has been a staple term in military communications.
Unlike other terms that may solely indicate a mission’s commencement or conclusion, Charlie Mike specifically emphasizes continuing the mission despite obstacles.
Certainly, Charlie Mike is often used to motivate and inspire troops to stay focused and persistent in achieving their goals.
While specific hand signals may vary, troops may use a forward motion with their hand to signal “continue mission” in non-verbal communications.
While other countries may have similar terms, the exact phonetic shorthand of Charlie Mike is specific to the English-language military phonetic alphabet.
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Due to his service, Gary received a VA disability rating of 80%. But he still enjoys writing which allows him a creative outlet where he can express his passion for firearms.
He is currently single, but is "on the lookout!' So watch out all you eligible females; he may have his eye on you.